Friday, July 3, 2009

Want to Help?

A number of people have asked how they could help bring some sensibility and fiscal responsibility back to the administration of the Iredell-Statesville Schools. I will list some here, if you can think of others please leave a comment and share your ideas.
  • Spread the word. Tell your friends, relatives, and neighbors about our efforts.
  • Tell every teacher and teacher assistant you know that we support their efforts and will do everything possible to improve the quality of the schools.
  • Attend the Concerned Citizen's School Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, July 7th, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:45 p.m. in Meeting Room A at the Iredell County Library.
  • Attend the I-SS Board Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, July 6th, at 5:00 p.m. at the ADR Education Center on Garfield Street. This is the meeting where most of the actual business of the Board is conducted. Also, this meeting is held in a former classroom, therefore our group would be very noticeable. The public is not allowed to speak at this meeting but our presence will speak for us.
  • Attend the regular Board Meeting on Monday, July 13th, at 6:00 p.m. in the meeting room on the second floor of the Iredell County Government Center. And please consider speaking during the public comment segment of the meeting. If you are going to speak make sure that you sign-up before the meeting on the sign-up sheet that is outside the meeting room. You only get three minutes to speak so take some time before the meeting to think of what you want to say. The Board policy is that they do not respond to any comments during the meeting, and I have learned that they do not like to respond at all, but perhaps if we get enough people to comment the Board will feel required to respond.
  • Write a letter to the editor of the Statesville Record and Landmark.
  • Contact the investigative news team at one of the local TV stations.
  • If you have children who attend I-SS, talk to them about their experiences in and out of the classroom. When school starts back up, talk to their teacher and find out what extra work the teachers are being required to do and how that is effecting their classroom teaching.
  • Do everything possible to make sure that the I-SS administration is made to act with accountability and complete transparency.
  • If you know of something that I-SS is not doing correctly, then consider filing a formal complaint. You can do that on-line using the I-SS web site using the link below, or you can pick up a complaint form at Tuesday's meeting.
Online Complaint Management System

Again, these are just few suggestions and, of course, it needs to be a group effort if we are going to make a difference. So, do consider being an active participant. One last thought, I think we need to have some way of identifying the members of the group when we attend school meetings. Perhaps we could wear an arm band of a particular color. Any suggestions?


  1. I think that having a way to identify members is very important. Maybe a small pin of some sort or as you said, an armband.

  2. Forget the small pin or arm band, just find someone to print bright yellow T-shirts with the following phrase:

    If all else fails....

  3. After the 4th, there will be a lot of red, white or blue shirts on mark down. Since these are the colors of our flag, and since our mission is to work for freedom for our teachers and children, I suggest wearing the colors!

  4. That is a good idea.

  5. If there is an interest in decals and bumper stickers I have a website where I can design whatever slogans we need. I would really like to se some that show support for teachers (in addition to others). I would like to see an interest before I take time to design and post the online store.

  6. I hope everyone read the 7/3 R&L Editorial regarding the All American city award and today's (7/4) story regarding Holliday as being a finalist for a top education post in Kentucky. Those who in the past that were involved with the R&L's blog regarding any education story would get a laugh from the statement of the (7/3)editorialist. One could also assume from the 7/4 article Hollidays' ulterior motivation in the field of education. Is this attempt by Holliday coupled with the pressure he is beginning to feel from this blogsite and the growing support of the community to demand information and answers? Let us hope that is the reason and let us hope he is denied any such effort in North Carolina. Therefore, let this be encouragement to the community to continue the growth spawned by the former allowed bloggers on the R&L site and Mr. Klaenes' and others informative blogs. Do you readers remember the toxic waste incinerator issues in the 90's? The people stood up and were heard. The people prevailed in their quest to deny the building of the toxic waste incinerator along the Iredell/Rowan line. Let the enthusiastic people of Iredell use their power of government given to them by the constitution and do the same. Remember, the people are the government if they choose to rally and use their power. But the only way their power can grow is through the current effort that we see evolving through the efforts of dedicated citizens.

  7. I have not had the chance to read the article referred to in the above comment. Holliday is considering a post/being considered for a post in Kentucky???!!! This is the first I've heard of this-and I admit it freely, this is the best news I've heard in a long time!!! Let's get together and help him pack th' truck!

  8. What a wonderful bit of news, and on July 4th too! I am proud to be an American and I am proud to be able to have my own opinions and the freedom of speech. Let's help these communistic wannabes pack. I'll even bring wine and crackers for the celebration afterwards. My niece, who is a teacher in one of the schools,is planning a big celebration party for all of the tired, beaten down teachers who have endured the tenure of this silver-tongue devil and his transplants.
    Go, and don't let the screen door hit you in the big head on your way out.

  9. Let us teachers know when and where the party will be!!!!

  10. I agree with the above comment! Can there be a bonfire?? It would be a pleasure to burn all the data charts, graphs, PDSAs, PLC notebooks, QARs, and all the other "B stuff" that have burdened the teachers of this school system. Please do let everyone know, and I quote, "when and where the party will be"!!!!!!

  11. Will the IFs go with him? Please tell me so.
    Will Kentucky give his wife a head job running the Baldridge agendas into the ground? Please say yes, yes, yes!!
