Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tuesday's Meeting

We had our group meeting Tuesday. It was a good meeting but only 5 people were there. We talked about ways of getting the word out to people. Janey is going to write a letter to the editor telling about our goals and inviting people to participate. We also talked about the need to get more parents involved and making sure that they know what is going on in the schools. In discussing ways to do that, we talked about distributing flyers and having meetings in various communities around the county. This has been mentioned before as a way of making it less stressful for teachers to participate. Please let us know if you could host a meeting in your community. It does not have to be at your house. Perhaps there is a community room in your part of the county or maybe we could use a room at your church. If this effort is going to work we need to have more people taking an active role in the group.


  1. This web site has had over 6,500 hits. This speaks volumes to me. If you are in support of the efforts of this committee, please forward this web site to your PTO leaders, parents, and other concerned citizens. Even if Doc. Holliday leaves, the Baldridge transplants are still here and most of them are in an administrative position at the central office. Some of them are even in the process of relocating their families and partners to this area. I'll bet these folks don't have any trouble finding a job!

  2. Teachers fear for their jobs. Too many spies. It is like living in the books about Harry Potter.
    We need the parents to unite. You need to get with the PTO officers of each school. Thanks for what you are doing.

  3. Make that 8462 hits....many, many feel that ISS is in a very bad place. As has been mentioned numerous times, teachers fear speaking honestly. There is an atmosphere of repression and extremely low morale in the teaching community. When things go well, it's because brilliant Holliday is at the helm...despite his disingenuous public words, it is obvious by his actions that he does not value the hard, unending work that teachers do. There is no real communication between classroom teachers and those in administration. What a dangerous set of circumstances. What we have here in ISS is a dictatorship, pure and simple.

  4. Please don't lump all administrators together. Many work dilgently to help teachers and are in the schools regularly to work with students and teachers. Not all administrators are overpaid and there are many who have huge workloads.

  5. the hits are from Kleane, he has nothing else to do! oh, so all adminstrators should not be lumped, but all central office administrators should be lumped! geeezzzz! What about Dr. Taylor who climbed the ISS ladder way before Dr. Holliday came here...back when her parents were both central office admin. She was a principal for only one year!

  6. to the 6:40 poster:
    The reason real communication is in such a dismal state is because teachers fear reprisal if they speak their minds. And I'm sorry to report, but that does include principals as well. Principals were reporting to the superintendent. Maybe, hopefully, things will improve if we get a new superintendent who respects those who are on the front views them as professionals and as not lesser beings. Then perhaps trust can return.
