Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July I-SS Board Meeting

I attended the I-SS board meeting on Monday evening. The Board Highlights available on the I-SS web site give a good summary of the meeting. You can click on the link below to access the Highlights.

July Board of Education Highlights Now Available

However, I would like to make a couple of comments. The first has to do with the 2% furlough for Board Members, Central Office administrators, and principals. Since this a furlough, and not just a reduction in pay, will the administrators and principals will be given a 2% percent reduction in their workloads? There was no mention of how that is to be accomplished. Also, it was mentioned that this would save the school system about $120,000.00 this year. If you do the math, that means that I-SS is paying it Central Office administrators and principals a total of approximately $6,000,000.00 a year. Six million dollars seems like a lot of money to me.

Next, has to do with the millions of dollars I-SS is planning on spending on construction and buying property. Although some have said that we should be able to use some of that money to pay the TAs who are losing their jobs, I think that Dr. Miller made it very clear that State and Federal regulations dictate how the money should be spent. Therefore, I think that is good for I-SS to request this money while it is available. However, I also think that I-SS needs to disclose the full details of each of these projects. For example, it was not made clear how the system will proceed with the Murdock Road property. Dr. Miller stated that the facility would house a career and technical education center, including the district’s growing auto tech program, currently housed at Statesville High School. But, there seems to be no specific plan of how to proceed once the property is purchased. It was mentioned at the Committee of the Whole meeting last week that the county has ask I-SS not to do anything with the property for six months in case there is business that would like to relocate and use the property. Another example is the Unity School property. I-SS has developed and cancelled a number of different plans for this property. Now the system has a new plan and has allocated up to $500,000.00 to start work on the renovations. Here again it was not clear how things would proceed. I have seen the Unity property and I wonder just how far that money will go. Dr. Miller stated that the proposal would be an excellent way to preserve the community’s history and partner with the community. It is about time for the system to carry through with that commitment.

Finally, the Board has moved the public comment segment to near the end of the meeting. I guess they hope most people will not stick around that long. There were several people who spoke about the Unity School project. In addition Janey Munday and I also spoke. Janey said that while I-SS often talks about transparency, when she and other citizens requested schools records, those records were at first reluctantly provided and then the school system started referring anyone requesting records to the attorney in Raleigh. Janey went on to say that it is costing the system a great deal of money to respond to the requests for records. Janey continued by saying that I-SS needs to be more diligent with its money and that if I-SS is truly a transparent school system then the doors should always open to the citizens of Iredell County to check records and to see that monies are spent wisely.

When I have spoken to the Board in the past, the written minutes have not always included everything I said. So this time I had prepared copies of my remarks to give to each of the Board members, the Board secretary and Dr. Holliday. The Board members are seated in a large arc at the front of the room. To the left of the Board members is the Board Secretary and then Dr. Holliday. There is a railing that separates them from the audience. When it was my turn to speak I walked from the right side of the room, where I was seated, to the left side of the room in order to hand the copies to Dr. Holliday since he was the closest to the railing. I assumed that he would simply take them and then pass them on to the Board secretary. Instead he just ignored me and would not take the copies from me as I tried to hand them to him. The secretary had to stand up, walk around behind Dr. Holliday, and then take the copies from me. Now, I am not a man of small stature, and as I said, I walked from the other side of the room, so I know Dr. Holliday saw me. I guess that is just another indication of his lack of character.

My comments to the Board are included below.

My name is Paul Klaene. Thank you for allowing me to speak this evening.

I am asking the Board to include the following comments in the minutes of this meeting for the record.

Federal law, NC state law, and I-SS policy allow the public to inspect, and receive copies of, school records. Following these laws and policies, I have asked to inspect certain school records. I have also asked to receive copies of some of these records. As I mentioned at the last Board meeting, I went to the Central Office on June 8th, as directed by School staff, to pick up some copies of school records. And, before I had a chance to pick up those copies, Dr. Holliday directed me to leave the Central Office. I was not being rude or disruptive in any way. I was at the office for a legal and rightful purpose.

Then, at the last Board meeting, Dr. Holliday chose to publicly chastise me for requesting to inspect school records. Dr. Holliday stated that I-SS had to pay $5,000.00 to retain a lawyer in order to respond to my requests. If the school administration had simply followed the law, and school policy, in responding to my requests, there would have been no need to retain an attorney.

It was totally inappropriate and unprofessional for Dr. Holliday to take these actions against me. I am asking both the Board and Dr. Holliday to publicly apologize to me for his actions.

This was a long post. Thank you for taking the time to read it.


  1. Mr. Klaene did not and does not deserve this type of unprofessional treatment from anyone associated with ISS. I too, believe he deserves an apology for the way he has been treated. This is yet another indication of Baldridge at its finest. Since this program has been implemented, a cold uncaring attitude from the central office has been detected. This attitude has filtered down to the schools and now to the board of education. This is not acceptable. Why did Holliday ignore Mr. Klaene? Why did he refuse to take the copies from his hand? I'll tell you why... he was not in control at the moment. He cannot stand not being in control. How mature is that? I'm surprised that he didn't have a full blown meltdown. As a citizen, I would like to apologize to Mr. Klaene for the actions of the board and I will remember these actions when it comes time to vote for new board members.

  2. Mr. Klane - Can you further explain how you came up with those numbers? I count 75 administrators in ISS (inludes all listed on the organizational chart, board of education, and all principals). If the system is projected to save 120,000 a year that would mean each of the 75 people is responsible for an average of 1,600 dollars of the savings. If that is %2 of their pay then the average pay is 80,000 not 6,000,000. Is there something that I am forgetting to include that helped you arrive at those numbers?

  3. Nevermind, I see now that you said a total of 6 million.

  4. Rudeness is rudeness, and when you are wrong you are wrong. Teachers and school employees are expected to keep their personal feelings out of whatever situation they are in. I know it is hard to do but mature adults can do this. Dr. Holliday expects us to show our good side to the public and we should expect the same from him. No more said. You need to apologize ,Dr. Holliday, to Mr. Klaene.

  5. Why does he care about apologies. He's out of here in one more day? If you keep up with the Kentucky blog, they expect to finalize the position by Friday, July 17. The heat is on and now he's getting out of the kitchen. Better tell Kentucky not to buck him or he'll bolt.

  6. It seems that everyone needs to take a "chill pill." I apologize for the early 90's slang but I feel that everyone is going a little too far with the comments and harrassment. I understand public record is public record but what do you expect to uncover IF you find something? School systems are run like a business and that means they have lawyers like a corporation. They see you (Mr. Klaene) as someone meddling in their affairs.

    This all reminds me of my grandmother when a new business opened up accross the street from her and they (clients and personnel) were using the road by her house to access the back of the facilty. There was a man who came down the road talking to her and other neighbors about all the ordinances the building needed to comply with. They were hoping the business would leave but they complied with everything and put a huge fence up down that road. Now it looks like my gradmother lives beside a fortified institution rather than a nice building with well a well cit grass, and a nice garden.

    They poked and prodded and well they got what they wanted and a really NICE view out of it.

    I would have probably done the same thing the board and Dr. Holliday did to someone like you because they view you as a threat. You have a right to do what you do but when you are to the extreme like what happened in my gradmothers case you can get what you want but you can also get something worse that you don't want.

    I want you to understand that I am not attacking anyone but I think the bashing on both sides is too much and just because you have a blog does not give you, your members, or the anonymous people to openly defame and conjure up rediculous ideas.

    If you think something "illegal" is going on then go get a lawyer and file a lawsuit. Or, call one of the news channels and have the "on your side" journalists do some research. If you're retired, go enjoy your retirement there is more to life than to sit aorund and complain about a school system in Iredell County NC.

  7. I also am retired. I wish that I could go and enjoy my retirement without complaining about a school system. Unfortunaly, I care too much about the children of Iredell County to let the status quo continue. Money is tight and Paul, myself, and others are trying to gather enough evidence of this waste to let the citizens of Iredell County know just how their money is being spent. Doc Holliday and some of his cronies that he has hired from JSA(Baldrige company) don't want this information given to the general public so they are fighting it with all their might. If this money is well spend on our children's education, why aren't they showing the public thru their PR people(Record&Landmark) how much they have spend and the results. They don't show how the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were spent on Baldrige related items have resulted in grants. They just tell you it has and expect you to take their word of it. I want to see it in black and white. Not from their mouths but on the actual papers in their files. Public records for all to see.

  8. This is the same person who posted at 10:14 AM.

    I want to be clear. I am for what you all are doing but I feel there are other means available than having a public display of heckling. I do not agree with Baldrige, I have worked in the school system, used Baldridge exactly how THEY want you to use it and the results are poor. I've questioned my Instructional Facilitator at the time as to their efficiency and that person just gave me more things to use in the classroom.

    I had the data (which they like to hear so much about because it should LEAD our teaching) in front of this Instructional Facilitator and they refused to accept it saying that I should lower the standards. I've actually heard them tell teachers to drop their goals lower (e.g. from 80% correct on the exam to 70% correct on the exam) so children can start achieving the goals thus making PDSA work. Wow is only we lowered the EOC standards so we could ALL pass it!

    This process is backwards; If I am the teacher I am going to set the goal the class can make and if they don't make it they don't get the reward that was promised. I do think we lose a lot of money to Baldridge and I believe there is a reason why we were the only educational system involved in the program. It is because we shouldn't be in the program.

    Everyone should have access to public record, it is a basic American right. I do think that you should have access and I don't know what the lawyers are telling you. I do not think central office, schoolwide administrators, or the school board has a conspiracy working in our county. I feel that change needs to come in the elections and change needs to happen first with the school board.

    We have a democracy and elections for a reason, we have freedom of speech, and we have the freedom to look at public documents. However, like I said before get a lawyer and fight for these rights because the public bashing of administrators and posting everyone's salary is a little too far. YES, it is public record but like I said previously until the county elects different school board members you can not expect the change.

    On a side note. It is very likely Holliday will get this position in Kentucky. The school board will elect an interim superintendent, possibly Brady Johnson or Brenda Clark. I would expect to see business as usual for next year and then some changes after that. What is in place will remain through this year.

  9. Why should Mr. Klaene hire a lawyer? He wishes to see public records that, by law, are to be available for the asking. So my question is this: If there is nothing to hide, why is Doc Holliday creating so many roadblocks and barriers? I think there are plenty of funds that have been badly spent. Dr. Holliday
    does not want transparency. Why can't he disclose what Baldrige has really cost this school system? I think that he has spent money on Baldrige that could have been much better spent on keeping teacher assistants.

    Mr. Klaene is really already doing what any lawyer would do and that is to ask for public documents.

  10. Yes, I agree Mr. Klaene has done what every lawyer would do but if it is an issue of him being denied access to public records that he rightfully should have access to then he needs to get a lawyer that can proceed with getting those records in a LEGAL way.

    Look we can complain all day on a blog and get nowhere. I am just saying if he wants results and he really wants to see these public records then he needs to get a lawyer and file suit. The complaining and the methods currently being used are inappropriate and useless.

  11. I say, let the school system pay the legal fees instead of citzens. By forcing them to pay a lawyer to ok records they are nailing another nail into their coffins. Only by letting the public know in this blog and by letters in the newspaper will the general public learn what is going on in our system. That is how we will get change in administration and on the school board.

  12. Funny how if the school system pays for legal fees that somehow the citizens don't incur the costs. OUR TAXES PAY FOR ALL OF THIS!!!

  13. Not sure what the above poster's problem is with the attention being paid to the salaries of central office employees...they are PUBLIC employees, which makes their income levels PUBLIC. If their salaries were not so out of line (think Wall Street corporate salaries here) there would be no reason for anyone to be opposed to the focus. That is it exactly though....the salaries ARE out of line and the CO staff too numerous. This certainly merits the attention of Iredell County tax payers...our money would be much better spent on resources--both human and material--
    which would actually improve education opportunities for our children. NOT on way too many unnecessary assistants to assistants to assistants at the Central Office!! How about not only NOT cutting classroom TA's, but providing more! we could do that if the CO was more efficiently designed.
    ISS has turned into a corporation-type entity...should anyone be following the horribly greedy example of big business? NO!

    ISS needs to reduce the size of administration and put the money saved back into the classroom...

    smaller classes + more assistants = a better educational system for our children
