Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Renee's Requests and I-SS Responses

It seems there has recently been many requests for facts. All information in quotations are responses to requests for information. These requests were sent to Ms. Creason on August 26, 2009 and the information was supplied on September 14, 2009.

  • Melanie Taylor's official new title: “ Associate Superintendent of Curriculum & Learning”
  • Brenda Clark's official new title and new duties: “ Associate Superintendent of Learning; duties include management of 21st Century grant, managing the Closing the Gap task force, spearheading the effort to open a new career and technical education center, travel and speaking engagements required and paid for by BNQP, and other duties as assigned by the interim superintendent"
  • A list of all retired personnel rehired and their salaries: “After speaking with both human resources and payroll; this record does not exist. An employee is not necessarily classified as a retiree in the computer system when they are rehired, so they are unable to be pulled as such. If you are interested in learning more about a particular employee, we can certainly pull that information.”

These are the facts. We are the taxpayers and citizens of Iredell County. These are our tax dollars and our children.

Renee Dulin


  1. Travel and speaking engagements required and paid for by BNQP. BNQP-Baldrige National Quality Program . . . Take a look at the 2009-10 organizational chart. Only the Interim Superintendent is listed as "interim".

  2. No comment about the above post. I wanted to send out the address for my articles for those who are interested. I am going to try the URL space on this post to see if that works. If it doesn't, you can copy and paste this:

    ...or just go to and look for the blog button.

    Thanks, Larry

  3. Can you lower a person's salary once it has been raised? Did these "interim" administrators sign new contracts listing their new salaries? I'm confused about the rehired retirees---wouldn't there have to be some kind of special designation in the system. Do they still pay for benefits?

  4. Retired teachers were coming back and teaching and "double dipping". They were collecting their retirement and a teachers salary. I personally had no opposition to that but the state put an end to it. Is that the case of the above retirees? If they are being held to the same standards as the retired teachers, then it should not be a problem.

  5. My questioning of retirees who had been rehired should have been clarified to mean retired administrators. Are they double-dipping? Are they paid on a per diem basis? a contract? I know last year Dr. Holliday did not rehire retired teachers because it was too costly.

  6. September 18, 2009 3:58 PM it was told that was what happened with Ken Wilson years ago. I never checked on the validity of it though. The word was that he was moved from NIHS to the CO due to poor job performance which gave him a large raise. He was then moved from CO to Cool Spring Elementary for the same reason to finish out his retirement, but his pay remained the same because it could not be reduced.

    As I said, this has never been confirmed, but is how it was told. I would consider that to be a different situation from the current one. If Mr. Johnson is saying that the pay will return to where is was, I take his word that it will. If anyone is skeptical of that, the good thing is that time will tell (this spring) either way.

  7. So we should just wait until spring to see if Brady is not being truthful. Will Brady care? He has already said he is leaving at the end of this year. Or maybe the new superintendent will take Brady off the hook as someone mentioned on another entry on the blog but keeping everyone in their same positions. Why were these administration changes listed as "promotions" not temporary reassignments? Or maybe they have new contracts? Maybe NCDPI does not allow their salaries to be lowered once they have been raised and everyone at the CO already knows this??

  8. I am tired of salary issues when it should be the workload that is being placed on classroom teachers. Our teachers are there until 6:00 , 6:30 or 7:00. and some teachers have been coming in as early as 6:00. We start at 7:05 and our students are showing the effects of not enough sleep.This is ridiculous and the BOE should know this. I know a teacher who is going to take 1/2 days and work at her elementary school to get her K-2 Assessment folders done. She does not have time during the regular school day. So do not tell me that elementary teachers are not overtesting students. Instead of adding more and more assessments and PDSAs to do, they should start taking some of this away. The BOE just sits back and analyzes data, but does nothing. Help! Where's the teacher's survey that is honest?

  9. To 9:10 AM: Read September 16, 2009,9:11pm and 9:17pm under "Strategic Plan Survey Not Available". There is a simple solution to a staff survey. If the BOE really cared they could make sure the Principal, AP's and IF's were not in the meeting during the survey. A BOE board member, hopefully the one representing the school district that school falls in could be present to help tally the votes one issue at a time in the presence of all. Teachers would have a chance to have their voices heard!!

  10. The salary issues are being brought up because of the workload placed on teachers. Teachers this year have additional students which means additional reponsiblities. Where is their extra compensation? Did they receive raises? Good leaders lead by example. When times are hard and the folks working under their supervision are asked to sacrifice--a good leaders makes that sacrifice first. That is teamwork. That earns respect. That gets the job done without complaint.

  11. The rules for retired teachers and administrators have always been different. Effective October 1, the law will change to make all retirees, including teachers subject to an earnings cap. Those teachers who want to work half time for half pay will be able to, just like administrators. That is assuming that the school's schedule calls for and/or needs only a half time person. From what I have heard, several teachers will be doing that. If you would just ask for what you want instead of being so vague, requesting 5 times what you need to mask what you want, you just might get the answer you seek.

  12. How many classroom teachers are being told to take furlough days?

  13. TO:September 19, 2009....9:10am hit the nail on the head! None of the assessing has been lessened at all! IFs are still in control, too..(or at least ours is). There is still the issue of "time" when trying to complete all that is asked of teachers. Someone in an earlier post made a keen observation: those that demand so much from teachers are NOT willing to be in the classrooms themselves. Truth be known, they wouldn't be able to do it all!

  14. Amen!! When you are not working you have so much more planning time to plan what others could add to someone else load or their own, You must know that there are so many days in the school calendar that it can be done in all their spare time. I wonder if they will get their state furlough before Christmas. This has to be taken.

  15. 6:58 You are right on. Why were these positions called promotions and not interim like Mr. Johnson? Perhaps we will get an answer but I fear that they are tired of the issue and will let Mr. Johnson's last reply be the final word.

  16. I know of several IFs who have taken their furloughs when students are in session, apparently the nonschool days doesn't apply to them. It'll be interesting to see if the IFs are back to school. So far our IF has been to a mtg every Thursday. I thought someone said they would not be at mtgs every week. Oh Well!! NOW OUR technology person tells us he cannot come help because he is at the IF mtg or other mtgs. WHAT IS going on in I-SS??? Why are they hiring more people in the CO who does not have time to help in the schools. Someone needs to survey/assess this situation.

  17. Well our tech person was a classroom teacher for only 2 years. He is still considered a beginning teacher SO where did he earn the experience to come to my classroom and tell me how to integrate technology and differentiate. I guess there are no standards in the I-SS technology department.

  18. I am posting because I am going to take up for myself and not have people bully me behind an Anonymous profile.

    I am glad to see that someone posted about technology and about me since I am the only male in my department. For one thing I WAS a classroom teacher for 2 years. Next, I decided to get my masters and get a job that let's me help teachers become more aware about technology so they can take that information and help students. I am currently in my 4th year and not a beginning teacher anymore so your facts are a little dated. I get paid the same scale as a teacher and I have a professional teaching certification. Don't attack me, I did nothing to you. Feel free to approach me in the schools and I will be glad to talk to you about technology and let you truly understand what I do know! Don't feel so empowered because you can hide behind Anonymous and complain about stuff you don't understand. Approach me and I will gladly sit down and discuss anything and everything. I'm open and I am prepared to take anyone on in that regard. Please look at other districts and tell me who does not have Technology Facilitators/Coordinators. Grow up and quit complaining about nonsense.

    Feel free to contact me at or check out my webpages if you think I am truly worthless at my job. I know these do not link so please copy and paste:

    Hopefully, these will be enough to show my qualifications.

    If anyone has any questions or concerns I expect communications to me and not empty anonymous statements left on this blog.

    My statements are entirely my own and not associated with I-SS.

    Thank you,

    Alan Warren

  19. Excuse me. For clarification my linkedin profile is:

    I was signed in when I put that link up.

  20. Also, since I did not read the post above the one I originally commented in response too, I would like to explain why I have been in meetings. The technology department has been researching courses which you can find here:|&NodeID=2997

    You aren't aware of these courses because they were just shown to the principals on Wednesday this week. If you have spoken to me I have made it aware that my department and myself have been working hard to get course development together so it can be implemented to the schools the rest of this year. We have been developing training materials for YOU to use in YOUR school and now we are getting chastised on a blog. Wonderful way to appreciate the people working for you!

    Also, all of the Technology Coordinators in the system have been asked to step up and give our input for technology integration to the professional development that is taking place on the early release days. I and another volunteered for the first PD development workshop for the Instructional Facilitators. Others in my department have voluteered for subsequent days. I am a loyal member to my department and I volunteered because I look for a challenge and I felt that this would be a good way to show how technology can be implemented in an educational setting. Again, if any of you would like to contact me directly my e-mail address is

  21. They don't want your help Alan. They would prefer to complain. All other employees (except them) are worthless. No need to defend yourself on here. Everyone reads this for the entertainment value, so don't take it personal.

  22. I am glad you volunteer your services . Could you go help the classroom teacher have more time using technolgy in his or her classroom ? I am spending my time trying to get all the data done, my PDSA is graded for this week, but I need to get stared on the next one but I have to get my graph up for this one, but I did get my Sept. L to J done, and then I must do our CFA Friday ,and get it graded , and get my progress reports ready for the 30th of Sept. In between I try to get our student's instruction and assessments done in math , in writing , and in reading with science added , get my guided reading in with different leveled groups,and some center time and some physical activity. Then we have a PLC meeting to attend.
    Oh yes, then we get to the computer to get our AR testing done, and with some that still requires reading their story to them ,and then having to read the questions to them. Then I have to make sure and get papers graded and back to them for immediate feedback. I would love to get them to the lab for computer time, but these are first graders and I still have got to do my Phonemic Folders on each student. Those that need suppport plans will have to have them done and a conference with parents before the 29th of Oct. The ESL will have to have more support because of their language skills. We had our first staaff development meeting today. Let me see I left at 4:30. Oh yes, DRAS have got to be done before report cards go out. Please we love technology ,and I love our technology people. It is just the time keeps diisappearing. It is just go and go until the day is gone.

  23. Sorry staff is misspelled.

  24. I understand your frustrations. I know the meetings are tiresome, you have a group of students all day long, you have to get your PDSA, your L to J up, PLC's have to take place, progress reports have to go home. I understand you are busy.

    However, I think you miss the concept of what technology is in the classroom. Technology does not even have to be the use of a computer. Do you ever use audio in your class? Are there ever passages from a book or even some books that came with audio. When I was a TA at Third Creek the 3rd grade teacher I worked with had audio that went with some of the stories in the book. That is technology. Quick, easy, and did not take any of your time.

    Next, when you read to students. Did you ever think you could read some of the book into a tape recorder and let that do the teaching for you? With Audacity you could do it on your teacher computer. Audacity is a free download. I will need to check with the copyright laws to be sure this can even be done but I have a feeling it is not a big deal. Audacity is a free recorder that requires a microphone that would allow you to say lessons, readings, and concepts that you could play back to your class. Some things you would want to consider having are a set of speakers and a microphone. Maybe your school could purchase some for you or a parent could donate some to your room. They are not very expensive.

    I know, I know, you can't download anything because of cleanslate. Please put a workorder in to your tech contact and let them get it installed for you.

    There is also another tool that google has called google books.

    I found the entire book of Charlotte's Web on here. I am sure there are others too. All you would need for a day is a data projector and a computer to show this to your students. Color, easy to read books at your fingertips for FREE!

    Do you ever break your students out in centers? Do you have any computers in your class? There may be really good websites that you can use in your class to assist you as a station.

    There ARE options. I understand it is tough on everyone to find TIME. TIME is the main problem but as educators we need to try to find the tools that will help us get TIME back in our control.

    Differntiation happens by the use of SOME KIND of technology in the classroom. You do not have to have fireworks coming out of your classroom to integrate technology. Technology is a tool, how you choose to use it is up to you. Don't let technology be a burden but let it help you.

    Please feel free to send me an e-mail and I will be glad to assist you or get the help you need when it comes to applying technology to your classroom. I would rather help someone than let them suffer. You do not need to be afraid of me.

  25. New post on the Frog Blog if anyone is interested. Click on my name to view.

  26. Thank you Alan. I have used the overhead for years. My students listen to stories on the computer and the tapeplayer. I suppose I have heard so much about the smartboard that I am ready for it. I still have some students who are not to use a computer. Thanks for your understanding.
